Patriot Plates - S1E9-Don Hubbard Pt 2 (Buy/Rent)

Patriot Plates - S1E9-Don Hubbard Pt 2 (Buy/Rent)

Filmed aboard the U.S.S. Midway, Commander Don Hubbard recounts his remarkable service spanning five U.S. conflicts and his pivotal role in the Cuban Missile Crisis. After capturing aerial photographs of Russian weaponry and equipment in Cuba, CDR Hubbard was tasked with flying the footage through a severe storm late at night to deliver it to Washington. Risking his career, he shares the harrowing flight and a critical mishap while delivering the footage that triggered the Cuban Missile Crisis, narrowly averting World War III.

Patriot Plates - S1E9-Don Hubbard Pt 2 (Buy/Rent)
  • S1E9-Don Hubbard Part 2

    Filmed aboard the U.S.S. Midway, Commander Don Hubbard recounts his remarkable service spanning five U.S. conflicts and his pivotal role in the Cuban Missile Crisis. After capturing aerial photographs of Russian weaponry and equipment in Cuba, CDR Hubbard was tasked with flying the footage throug...