Patriot Plates - S1E3-Pat Upah (Buy/Rent)

Patriot Plates - S1E3-Pat Upah (Buy/Rent)

Pat Upah tells us how she ended up as a nurse in Vietnam, only to find herself working in a hospital surrounded by the enemy. As bombs explode around the hospital, nurses strive to keep the wounded safe and calm, fully aware that it may only be a matter of time before the Viet Cong overrun them. What would you do with wounded patients in your care, with nowhere to go, as the enemy closes in, threatening to overrun the hospital and capture or kill everyone inside?

Patriot Plates - S1E3-Pat Upah (Buy/Rent)
  • S1E3-Pat Upah

    Pat Upah tells us how she ended up as a nurse in Vietnam, only to find herself working in a hospital surrounded by the enemy. As bombs explode around the hospital, nurses strive to keep the wounded safe and calm, fully aware that it may only be a matter of time before the Viet Cong overrun them. ...